Wednesday 15 July 2009

Lust List! Its sequin time!

So I may be a little behind with this but I have just fallen in love with all things sparkly!!

It started with a pair of sequin hot pants in the sale (all sold out boo) which then turned into an Asos search for sequins things! I love and want them all! Anyone fancy treating me? :P
With love,
Emma x

Thursday 9 July 2009

Payday which can only mean one thing...

New shoes :) Yup its been less than a week since I got paid and I have already been out and bought two new pairs of shoes :) And they werent even on my lust list! Tho I do think that they would have been if I had left enough time between seeing them and buying them to put them there :P

Oh dear I think really do have a shopping problem. I saw one pair on the Monday whilst out lunching with my dearest Jennipie. But I resist them... partly cause of the disapproving looks I was getting from her bf (even he knows I dont need more shoes!) and partly cause I couldnt decided whether I wanted them in blue or black!! So I resisted for like... a day and after finishing work on the Tuesday was back in good old Dorothy Perkins with my student card out and not one but two pairs of shoes in my hand. Not good for the bank balance but very good for the soul :)

Now the second pair was truely love at first sight. I just could not resist the nude court heels. They are so simple and yet so sexy and cute! I just love them! And every girl needs a pair of nude shoes. Ask any expert. The things those shoes do to my legs is unreal! Not only are they amazingly pretty but they make my legs look longer and thinner and just plain sexy. And they will go with anything! Whats not to love?!

Also on my payday shopping spree I picked up some dresses from Rare, a brand which I just love love love :D And to make things better all my purchases were in the sale! Including the black double fringe dress that Id be eyeing up forever and which had been out of stock in my size previously. Sale and my size? Fate much? :D I also got a very cute purple dress with lace top and hem that is very summer chic and a blue, pink and black dress that suits my shape pefectly and that I had previously purchased from Topshop and had to send back due to funding issues :(

I also picked up the Wonderbra Ultimate Strapless Bra. Its got special support that makes u feel like you're being held in by hands. And boy does it work! You can jump all over the place and those babies arent going anywhere! Perfect for Cheryls wedding :) Though Im still prolonging buying the seamless pants that come to my belly button. I understand the logic of it, I dont want VPLs in my beautiful bridesmaid dress but still. The thought of those scarily Bridget Jones pants makes me shudder.

Now all I need is somewhere to wear my buys!

With love,
Your shoeaholic blogger


Ps Ill upload some pictures of my buys later :)

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Shoe Lust List :)

While I'm on a roll I thought I'd tell you about my Shoe Lust List and let you in on some interesting and very exciting news!

First on my Lust List is the Irregular Choice Ankle Boots (bottom picture). I've had my eye on them for a while now and I just think they're amazingly unique which I guess is the joy of Irregular Choice!
Next is the blue cut away heels for Oli (middle picture). I love everything about them! The colour, the heel size, the shapes of negative space between the straps! And at £35 theyre a bargain!!!
And finally and possibly the top is the Vivienne Westwood for Melissa heels (top picture). The fact theyre made from rubber/plastic reminds me of a mixture of the plastic little heels my mum would buy me when I was little for parading around in and the jelly shoes I used to wear to the beach in summer! People may laugh now but thats probably where my love of shoes started parading about in my little plastic heels and now there is a sexy, fun grown up pair for me to parade about it! Bliss! :D <3
Now to the awesome news! For any shoe fantatics out there you might want to circle November in your diary cause I have learnt some very interesting news from! Jimmy Choos are doing a collection with H&M! Jimmy Choos at H&M prices!! What more could a girl ask for!?!?! :D Check the website for more details :)
Well thats all for now :)
With Love,

Sunday 7 June 2009

Emma's Adventures

So theres been some serious slacking on the blog front, but there is a good excuse! Robyn and I have been experiencing the real world in the form of work experience. So instead of sitting here blogging I've been in London working for a little company called Saltwater. I cant give too much away about the company but it was fascinating learning how a small fashion company worked. I saw the the different parts of the process from design to production to selling and it was really interesting! Its amazing when you think about how long it takes to get the clothes we wear. Oh and Ive seen next season's stuff and it is NICE!!!

So what else did I do in London? I saw 3 shows (Phantom of the Opera, Thriller Live and La Cage aux Folle), 2 celebrities (Patrick Stewart and George Lamb!) and visited the markets! Oh and shopped obviously! Camden market is actually like a different world! I saw a guy graffiting onto t-shirts and hoodies, which I personally found amazing. I wish I'd had money that day! And there was the cutest vintage shop selling furniture and records and clothes from the 1940s/1950s. And a woman who made clocks from records which were pretty nifty and the coolest part was that my aunt could pick out all the ones she had cut back in the day! She is an incredibly cool 67 year old!

So I guess I should share my buys with you since this is the point of this blog :P

I pretty much spend all my money on shoes which will not shock anyone who knows me! I am addicted to shoes, I cant help it I just love them! Nothing makes you feel better than a good pair of shoes :) I got the cutest pair of pink brogues and a pair of black fringed ankle boots from River Island which have pretty much not left my feet :) I'll stick some pictures up later. I also got a uber cute denim jacket and some cool loose t-shirts from Illustrated People and We Walk at Topshop. Oxford Street Topshop is like actual Heaven! But its sooooo soooo busy all the time! Which isnt so fun.

So I guess that was my trip to London! Im sure Robyn will update us with tales from her work experience soon :)

Over and out


Saturday 25 April 2009

Robyn's New Jacket :)


I recently bought this cute little quilted jacket from Topshop, Kate Moss. It was truely love at first sight! It reminds me a little of William Morris and his floral designs. I'll be wearing it all summer long with my new vintage Levi bag which I found in Armstrong's in Edinburgh!


With love,

Hi Guys

Hi there,

We're Robyn and Emma and this is our first blog! We created this so we could share all our inspirations and love of all things fashion. Together we'll be posting about what inspires us, what makes us go oooooh and what we just can't get enough of! It'll mostly be jam-packed fashion but we might drop one or two other things in too and we'll also be sharing our latest buys with you.

So a little bit about us. We're both 19 and currently studying fashion at Heriot Watt in good old Galashiels, Scotland! We'll probably be posting a bit of Gala gossip too!

Right well thats all for now but stay tuned for our first proper post!

With love x